
Tall and INFJ :)

// Friday, November 16, 2007
11/16/2007 11:05:00 AM
steven's birthday happened last wednesday which i just returned home.
i slept for few hours, took a shower and steven's tutors came. and Steven was in great surprise.
but in the first place, he went open the door and was shocked and thought he have tuitions again after olevels.
and realized that mum secretly invited them over. WELL! the tutor who teach me accounts and english was just beside my mum.

BY THE WAY, the picture is awful already. the green thing dont suit this picture and i going to edit once more.

that was ME beside a celebrity! xD
hahahaha! got see my signature? ZOOM IT~!

OVERALL, i wanna to talk about ida's place last tuesday.
i was very satisfied that i went to stay overnight at her place. Even though there were SO much to do over there, i was glad i was helping. without my help, i might not know what will even happen. Ida's mind was about to explode. And i was running here and there.

some friends was saying that they will help when they reach. But they didnt at all. They went to enjoy themselves to food and chat with friends.
i wont mention their names because i cant blame them because they are totally guests as well as i am.

Ida's parents were helping so much. i couldnt let them work so hard just for our friends ida and i invited. but they insisted. WELL, i am so thankful! xD

ZhouMeng and Rachel was enjoying themselves at somewhere. i was like dying who run like a mad dog. =_+

after few hours, the sky was completely dark, i went to get a break. Its was like SO FUN TALKING TO FRIENDS again, its like, i never talk to some of them since few years. hahaha!
and play BASKETBALL! yeah, its' FUN MAN!
i was elated that many people are able to pay the money for the bbq, because some helped to argue back and i got the money. And the total money is $80! o well, there is a loss for ida's, but we already tried our best.
on wed, we went shopping for ida's graduation gown~! Although it's hard to find for her special size, we kept finding and found a nice one! and its' considered cheap!

after few hours of lunch and shopping, we farewell each other. =(
i going to miss the times that we shared problems being hearing impaired last tuesday night before we turn in.
SIGH, i can feel ida's sorrows AND Hauen's in blog.

No matter how hard you do to pursue your happiness, you are just a hearing impaired.
No matter whether you do it or not, you are also still a hearing impaired.
No matter where you go, you are nothing but a hearing impaired.

Even you shared with your schoolmates,churchmates,roommates,partners and even teachers, THEY WONT DO ANYTHING. They just sit down there and ignore you.
i was normal person before i turn 4.
if i was a normal person as now, TRUELLY i eventually dont bother hi kids.

How would you felt when you see people in a group in Mac, Mrt, Class, Bus, etc sighing this and that which is like so unfamilar to you? its' like so awful and embarrassing that people kept watching. if i was a normal person, i will personally ignore. And when you explain something to them, you have to repeat twice or more which is very hard to commiunicate with them. Therefore, one day, they ignore you soon and cant help you anymore.

But still, people have to understand what's in hearing life is about.

SIGH, i had this feeling whereby, i need to show the world that Hearing Impaired ppl need caring and love from everybody by adverisments, TV, etc. And make hearing impaired dramas so that THEY HAVE TO UNDERSTAND by going deaf!

and i personally feel in this way all the times.

o yes, its' FUN!

i wanna to say that most fun part but it's kept a secret between me and someone! xD
okay, the east coast park!

we were told that there's a shuttle free bus to there and i didnt heard of them, and about to follow leon and he said he prefer following mine, and suddenly, there's no bus for east coast park in weekdays. =_=
and all of sudden, i was the one being at fault.

so taxi is the only way.
i then pushed the boys who couldnt talk clearly inside in the taxi and they were anxious, "we dunno how to talk!"
"RELAX! i going to talk now! Please lead them to east coast park!"

Leon was one of them, i could stop laughing at his panic face.
devaraj, me and steven who could talk more clearly, went to take another taxi.

we went bowling first, because the rain spoil our mood. Steven and Leon was damn pro. and the strike strike happened most from leon.
i was the second last. my tired hand couldnt play after a game.
the first game was good, i almost beat leon score. haiix.
Jiayi was not really good but i can see she is trying her best :)
the way she throw the ball is like so funny can. i cant get sick of watching her movements of throwing.

after that, we went to play cycling! my lovely sport!
i cycled first and the boys tried to beat me. of course i lost lor.

and then, the second round, steven and jiayi gave it up. and i was the only girl competing them.
AND they didnt finish to the end but i was, and i was considered the first! xD

Then, jiayi went home. sian, her dad fetch her BY CAR!+_+

i went to take a bath while the rest went to bowling area to take a break and dinner.
it's really nice sitting there man! then we went arcade upstairs.
and we chat alot there :)
Then, we took taxi back to bedok mrt station!
aloyuius kept showing off his money. sigh, when will we be able to show him that money are arent for showing off unless you earn them? Devaraj and i always watch him and laugh.

my backbones really aches.
SIAN. cycled about 2hours. my legs already shaken by now.hahaha.