
Tall and INFJ :)

// Wednesday, November 21, 2007
11/21/2007 11:17:00 AM
those were memories!
i will keep them for life!
o yes! last Monday was FUN!
but the key point of this fun is, Jiayi and i found out that we both have the same place of injury and wounds. =D
How fun, we took picture together and say cheeze with our leg injury.
So funny please.
Firstly, we meet in bugis, waited for our late friends.
AND MET THIS GIRL, who are leon's classmate,
damn tall, and pretty.
about 177cm.
cant believe right?
i not going to complain that i am the tallest girl among the outing group because there's one.
then, Jiayi suggest taking neoprints with leon WITHOUT those pity girls.
pulling me and that Tallie IN!
Its' like, Leon is the only guy.
O well.
then, we went off to east coast park! MY FAVOURITE!
Beile and ChunPang can be a couple already.
They both think they cant take a 2 wheels bicycle.
and choose 4 WHEELS BICYCLE!?!
we all were damn laughing at them because we couldnt take the Blow.
in the end, Beile change her mind.
but ChunPang carry on.
Our Backs were SO DIRTY!
the dirty wet ground kept dirtying us whenever we cycle.
AND i was the lucky one!
i brought extra clothes! HAHAHA
Then Jiayi fell!!
Leon and Shahrizal was in fault.
and i saw the same places where she bleed!!
Okay, we went back to the bicycle shop and
i rememebered the whole incident.
Leon was partly to blame.
and He say he can do any of her biddings.
She couldnt believe it and ask him to carry her.
When he was about to carry her, BEILE STEPPED HER FEET!
i dun believe she so damn jealous!
then leon carry him up, another stamp on the floor from her again.
Then went to bowling area.
some girls have to go home and Aloyiuis follow that tallie home.
then, we helped to put plasters on jiayi.
She scream but i put her in MUTE =X
we went to play arcade.
Then, jiayi ask him to hold her hands.
we all was like. WHY SHE SO LAME.
then one more bidding from her saying "KISS ME!"
we all like.............
Leon say "NEXT TIME!"
then, jiayi went home.
we guys went bowling.
then i dropped my dinner, SANDWICHES.
my stomach is gruggling.
then we took taxi to bedok and HOME!
then yesterday, Tuesday
Leon came over my house to watch 3 freaky movies we borrow last mon.
when night falls, leon and steven keep scaring me
but i didnt scream.
i was brave again! =D