
Tall and INFJ :)

// Friday, December 21, 2007
12/21/2007 10:11:00 PM

1.) Name: Ivy
2.) DOB: 4th July 1991
3.) Nicknames: Crystallie, tallie, poison ivy, iivy
4.) Bad habits: saying "lame" this and that.
5.) Religion: Christian
6.) Fav. Quote: Give my all to things I'm working on.
7.) Bloodtype: O
8.) Height/Weight/Shoe Size: 175cm, XXkg, 6
9.) Family: Dad, Mom, Steven, sister and me
10.) School: CSHI, SACSS
11.) Hobbies: Chatting, hanging out, cycling, shopping, touring etc..
12.) Specialties: arguing back like a lawyer, art.
13.) Sleeping Habits: hold my pillow with my hands and legs.
14.) Something good about myself: i am tall :D
15.) What I think of myself: "please study hard for your future!"
16.) Fav. number: 9
17.) Fav. Season: summer
18.) Fav. Food: french fries, icecream, etc!
19.) Least Fav. Food: medicinces
20.) Fav. Singers/Celebs: Siwon and yunho! :D
21.) Fav. Sport: cycling, captainball, swimming(but never touch pool for 3 years)
22.) Fav. Flower: lily
23.) Fav. Colors: White, Blue
24.) Thing I do to pass time: use computer, listening to music
25.) Places I go most often (excluding home): westmall, shopping malls.
26.) Most confident thing I can cook: eggs with bread/milk.
27.) Songs I like these days: Dont don & U- super junior
28.) What do you prefer: coffee, milk, soda: milk
29.) Most important being in my life: my future salary
30.) Person I like least: ghosts
31.) Kinds of people I detest: Proud, noisy, bitchy, pretender etc
32.) Something I'm worried about : passing exams
33.) What I think I was in my past life: a english princess?
34.) If I could be reborn: a tree
35.) When I want to get married: i want all my friends and relatives to live together!
36.) What I do when I'm mad: cope up at my bed room.
37.) Places I want to fix on my face: i am just happy what god has made for me.
38.) My dream/goal: Celebrity/FAMOUS ART DIRECTOR/famous famous famous!
39.) Dream Salary: 100000000000000000000000000000000000 millions dollars.
40.) My least liked feature: I like everything.
41.) Something that happens everyday: steven irritates me.
42.) I like/love someone right now: YES!
43.) Jinxes: GOT!
44.) Something I could go back and do: study harder to finish olevels!! :(
45.) What I most regret in my life: not studying hard and being hi girl.
46.) If I left a will before I die: "my money will all go to my family... and dont die like me okay? i didnt commit suicide.!!"
47.) Prized Posesstion: new house near school
48.) What I want to say to people full of themselves with Prince/Princess Syndrome: god.. will PUNISH YOU LIKE HELL.
49.) My ideal mate: someone who is perfect enough for me.
50.) -
51.)What do you think of ladies who try and find seats when there are none in Subways or Buses: AISH. why ladies.
52.) Do you ever want to beat a small kid: yeah, only monster kid before it grows up and kill people.
53.) What kind of kids scare you: naughty and dirty- minded!
54.) If you were to dye your hair, what color would you dye it: brown and hightlighted gold!
55.) Most memorable Movie: i not stupid too. (i cried mostly)
56.) Most memorable day during MS: playing with cousins and friends whom i trust with.
57.) If you were to be in a drama what kind of character would you want to play: yunho and siwon girlfriend xD
58.) When do you most not like your friend: look down on weakies.
59.) What do you think of guys who wear makeup: eww, GAYYY!!
60.) Makeup vs. No makeup on women: YOYOYO, gays, dun fight please.
61.) favoritie book (comics can be included) : chicken soup
62.) What can you make with green onions and eggs: hmm, corns?
63.) Country I want to visit most: PARIS and other western countries!
64.) If I could get any domestic animal: both male and female puppy.
65.) Favorite song to sing at karaoke: nah. my voice is sore.
66.) Things I stress over most: my hair and body shape.
67.) Someone I want to meet the most in the world: SIWON and YUNHO
68.) What would you do if you found 1000 dollars in the street: give to the poor! hey, follow my good ways!
69.) Something different about it being 2007: ah?
70.) Do you believe in ghosts: no, but i still shared and listen ghost stories
71.) -
72.) Do you think there's a time in your life when you can be happy anywhere and anytime: being a normal hearing person.
73.) Do you sleep over at people's house a lot: YEAH! mostly at my cousins' houses!
74.) Something I need right now: slim myself, study double harder!
76.) What game am I best at: arguing
77.) What would you say to someone who's about to die: hey, rememeber me and PEACE.
78.) When did you ever feel like cursing yourself?: when i lose my face or fail my exams
79.) What do you do when you can't fall asleep: try to dream of siwon and yunho!
80.) What would you do if you were walking and you farted when it was a quiet: pretended it's not me. and make people to forget about this farting thingy by changing subject! xD
82.) Good/bad thing about our country: small.
83.) Foreign language I want to learn: Korean, chinese, malay
84.) My complex: tall like western ppl!
85.) What is there you want to do: study study study etc...
86.) Do you find anything wrong with your face or personailty: yeah. many weaknesses!
87.) What I do when I'm stressed: pretended to be sick to make my mum to let me go out.
88.) Have you ever wanted to commit suicide: who want to abandon a talented tall lady arh! aish..
89.) What kind of teacher do you hate: looking down on weakies! (MS JULIANA! she's horrible!)
90.) Who's a person who gave you the most hope etc: my Mum
91.) What would you do if someone grabbed your things and started running: i say "FREEZE!"
92.) What would you do if you saw a pervert on the street: whispering to passerbys "there got a pervert, go call 999" lol
93.) What I think of losers/outcasts: I only can sigh.
94.) -
95.) Are you willing to live your life to the fullest: YES lalalala!
96.) Rain, Snow, Sunshine, Cloudy, Windy which do you prefer: Sunshine!!
97.) Have you ever been attracted to someone you've chatted to online: GOT a few :D heheheh
98.) What you want to say to your friends: hello! i am blogging here! :D :D
99.) Future plans: Living life to the fullest and not giving up!!!
100.) You've finished! How do you feel: tired and good! *cough* *cough*