
Tall and INFJ :)

// Thursday, December 27, 2007
12/27/2007 07:51:00 PM

this photo was taken when we do our CIP project. hahaha. thats was just few months ago. hahaha xD
today's CCA was tiring!
my cca teacher only asked me to help her for books through internet.
Advising me this and that.
and i only could say "hor. hor... okay.. hor hor." =_=
She even asking whether i understand.
Yeah, i know how to do it. AND why should i be the one doing it?
the leader had the easy job! teaching the lower secs how to do this and that.
oh whatever.

My HI friends didnt see me for about 1 hour. and thought i was missing in the library, and i was just inside the library staff room. Jiayi came back from her punishment (shelving books as she was talking in library) and came to disturb me. HAHa
But at least i got someone to be with.
Then we chatted after i was done.
OMG, i heard so many things happened when i was still in malaysia.
so many things i dunno.
i feel sadd for those girls. i hope they study harder then last time.
Their goal will be more more.. (why my english still like that) i mean, NOT GIVING UP and have more confidence!! xD
yeah, i should be nagging at myself to study harder.
sighh, now i realize not so many people are lucky like us.
some had to work after olevel, or go Ite.
i want to GO POLY OR NAFA!!
to get a degree for my future! AHHHHHHH!
Stupid Steven, he discouraged me this and that. really going to smack him soon.
Then, we girls went to MOVIE!
oh, the 'Alvin' movie was too great.
i just simply love the songs!
the voices of those chipmunks, was really awesome.
if i want a pet, i defintely go for the FAT ones!
the last part of the movie is really making me laughing my head off.
GO watch it then you will know!
not the last part is the only one, the whole movie is! :D :D
o yeah,HEY cy,diy,jani, KIBUM is not married right?
ZM saw him in a wedding photo with his wife. =_=
sigh, that _ was really pissing me off.
even this __ is under _ spell and forget what i told __ before.
i going to BET __ is going to regret it again.
i SHALL not bother about __ anymore. so, whatever..
Then we went off to KFC after deciding where to go.
why i always the person to decide to go where!?!
they insisted me to think hard instead me telling them.
and we went to KFC because MAC was full house.
and Played a Game with SU cards!
YAY, my siwon had been becoming hot and hot whether i touch his cards. hahahha! :D
then Jiayi had to go:( she going to miss the fun later on.. LOL
and we played another stupid game which was soo funny!
we laughed and make noise there.
People there was even looking at us playing. HAHAHA
then went to dg station.
met a mother and a girl, asked us for directions
my friends are going to red line, so i helped to lead them to the right way, and hold my smile at that little girl when they reached city hall and quickly lead myself on the glass.
and was too tired to stand up and halfway slept, holding the pole tight.
until jurong, my legs was too tired to walk again.
skipped 3 trains to bb station.
o yesh, diyana is going to post the photos there. BE QUICK!! XD thks!
today went home at 7plus.
was tired though.
wore that warm sport jacket until i reach home.
i wasnt even freaky hot.
i was still in daze all the times, walking to the interchange freaky slow and almost miss the bus.