
Tall and INFJ :)

// Monday, December 24, 2007
12/24/2007 02:35:00 PM
YOOCHUN Questionaire: (but editting it)http://bestuff.com/stuff/park-yoochun

1.) Name: Ivy Lu
2.) Sex: Female
3.) Email address: pinkiee_crystallie@hotmail.com
4.) Birthdate: 04/07/1991
5.) Family: Dad, mom, sister , bro and me
6.) Height: 175cm
7.) Weight: XXkg
8.) Something good about yourself: tall, never giving up person
9.) Something bad about yourself: rude, arguing, stubborn, bossy ,lazy
10.) Describe your personality in one word: tall-and-lame
11.) Celebs that you like: super junior, dbsk, eunhye, wax etc!
12.) Songs you like: many many many! MUAHAHAHA!
13.) Fav Season: SUMMMMMERR!
14.) Game you're good at: -stare at devaraj. 'arguing'
15.) My ideal woman/man: YO YUNHO and YO SIWON. wahahahahaha!
16.) If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: older! but about 2-3 years is enough!
17.) Your mood as of now: *cough* *cough* OKAY-STANDARD depending who can cheer me or make me angry.
18.) What you have in your pocket right now: pocket? wait.. old tissues, handphone, and penknife! hehehehe*
19.) Sleeping out: got! hotel, cousin's houses, YAYY
20.) Alcohol tolerance: 1 hour
21.) Drinking habits: i am a gooood girl. so dun ask.
22.) How old were you the first time you drank: 13
23.) When do you want to get married: before i turn 30.
24.) About my singing: i got sore throat...
25.) About my dancing: omg, you going to vomit once i stand up for dancing. :x
26.) Something I want these days: study and get well *cough* *cough!*
27.) When you're home alone: increase the music volume loud loud and sing very loud like mad woman! Muhahahahaha!
28.) When you're standing in front of the mirror: mirror mirror of the wall, i am poison ivy, who is the prettiest on land? mirror says: .... not you. hero jaejoong! :D ivy: faints.
29.) Clothes you're wearing as of now: micky mouse large shirt and PE shorts from cshi. muahahaha :D ROAR ROAR!!
30.) How much money do you have in your wallet: $30.35 and RM 150.59. hehehehehh
31.) What you want to buy for your girl/boyfriend: a metal necklace and a 'locker'. (know what i mean? if you know what that mean for locker, tag me!)
32.) Does height matter to you: YEAH. it's sooo ridiculious! (correct spelling?)
33.) What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: girlfriend-> hey hey you you ....!!
34.) What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed: take photos/neoprints, hug and slap them . SHHH..
35.) What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: YAH! WHO ARE YOU!?!
36.) How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: as fast as possible! my blabber are going to explode!! OMG! they are coming out!
37.) First kiss: i almost got. BUT i have realize that i have not met my LOVE yettt. SHHH.. xD
38.) A feature you feel doesn't need to be fixed: everything.
39.) Feature you feel should be fixed: my eyes' sight!
40.) People you miss the most right now: siwon and yunho! and ..
41.) First love: not yet! I SAY ALREADY! =_=
42.) When you cried the most: last month?
43.) When do you feel you're grown up: this year. HAHAHA. i still pretty childish here.
44.) What you don't like: study, locked computer, small room.
45.) When you felt happy: with my cousins.
46.) When you were most flabbergasted: hmm?
47.) Best looking person of the opposite gender you've seen so far: i saw one in sunway lagoon theme park. his hair is SOO HOOTT!! western ppl. sorry siwon and yunho :(
48.) Why aren't you going out with anyone: whose say. i wanna to blog now.just shut up can liao.
49.) What you feel towards that person: HATE and forget.
50.) What would you say to the people actually reading this: HELLO diyana, janice,chanying, dun copyy meee. if copy, get prepared for your hot soup:) (kiddo)
51.) Something I'm most worried about: sore throat (how i be able to talk to siwon and yunho with this rushy tone!?)
52.) When I look most weak: today. =_=
53.) How do you NOT get dumped: wait a minute!, let go and dump the rubbish to the dustbin together first? (while doing, think of another plan)
54.) 3 things a person NEEDS: love, care and trust.
55.) Your grades in school: wanna to know? go see my principal.
56.) #1 on your phone: 999
57.) Phone company: singtel
58.) Phone bill: around $40.
59.) Place you want to go: korea! and western countries!
60.) Favorite TV program: korean dramas!
61.) Movie that pissed you off: BEE movie (super super lame)
62.) Movie you watched with most meaning: i am not stupid too.
63.) Most recent movie watched: the golden compass (went with my cousins)
64.) Movie you want to recommend: none
65.) If you could become a character inside a movie: the fair princess! MUAHAHAHAH!
66.) How many cafes are you a member to: 0
67.) Which do you go to most often: ERR. home XD
68.) What you feel about this cafe: AH? WHAT YOU TALKING!?!
69.) What you want to say to the starter of the cafe: GOOD MORNING?!
70.) You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: NO! love is not blind.
71.) What would you do if your parents didn't bless your decision to get married: mummy, papa, I LOVVVVEE YOU.... and cry pitifully.LOL
72.) Do you think you're a player: I NEVER ONCE BEEN LIKE THIS. this is soo hurting for other parther.
73.) What time do you wake up: today? 9am. - kyeo, you more pigg.
74.) When you go to sleep: 2 AM
75.) If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: cant rememeber. but many.
76.) What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: i just act INNOCENT.
77.) Celebrity you want to go out with: SIWON AND YUNHO!
78.) How many kids do you want: 2- 3
79.) Someone I really want to be good at: my brothers and sisters
80.) What I want to be in 10 years later: on the first page of the magazine
81.) Someone you're jealous of as of now: singers! ROAR! **
82.) A word that you use a lot: LAME, LOL
83.) What I do when I first wake up: open my eyes
84.) What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: "wahhhhhhh!! one cent coin!!" and quickly go home secretly.HEHEHEHE
85.) What would you do if you became invisible: go super junior/dbsk houses and take photos with them when they are sleeping! xD xD
86.) Singer you think is the best singing live: dbsk and Su
87.) Singers you don't understand why they even sing: they are crazy that why.
88.) A kind of man you don't like: GAY of course.
89.) A kind of woman you don't like: LESBIAN of course!
90.) What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you're dating right now: tell mum "I AM FLIRT! I AM FLIRT! SLAP ME SLAP ME!" lol heheheh
91.)What would you feel if you met someone you'd broken up with: pretend you dun know who is this person.
92.) Most important possession: My family and friends.
93.) What you do when you first get online: start music!
94.) What surprised you the most: met the boys in jurong east last sat and zm didnt realize that she was soo near them! xD
95.) What you do when you can't fall asleep: on my phone music!
96.) What do you think you were in your past life: a mermaid? hahahahha!
97.) If you were to be born again: a Tree or an eagle.
98.) What are you going to do after you finish this: click 'publish post'!!
99.) How honest were you: HAHAHA. I AM LYING NOW.
100.) What do you want to say: now? YOYOYOYOYOYO!!
